Technology Solutions for Long-Distance Caregivers

I am a long-distance caregiver for my mother, and it has been very difficult over the past year and a half—not being able to visit her as often and knowing that she is spending so much time alone because she is afraid of the virus. What can I do to provide support and comfort to her from afar and make sure she’s okay?
Feeling Torn Apart

Dear Feeling Torn Apart,

This has certainly been a very trying year for family caregivers of loved ones who live alone. It is difficult and stressful to have to keep a distance from them, even when you are doing it out of concern for their health.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever before have been learning how to work remotely using various forms of technology for communication, organization, and productivity. For caregivers who live far away from their loved ones or who are hesitant to visit as often due to increasing cases of the new Delta variant, this surge in technologies and smart devices, when used with your loved one’s permission of course, is a blessing and something which you should consider exploring for better care and peace of mind.

There are countless products and services for remote caregivers in the tech space. Here are a few I’d like to share with you just to get the ball rolling, but please don’t be limited by this list!

The CarePredict Tempo Series 3

Caregiver Smart Solutions


Sensors Call CareAlert

Lorex Home Monitoring Solutions

Electronic Caregiver Premier Wellness


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Linda, your personal Gerontologist

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